Have you heard of Merry the Mendip Elf?

Merry is the Mendip Hills National Landscape’s resident ‘Elf on the Hill’. Last December he enjoyed walks, stargazing, exploring woodland, foraging for sloes, litter picking, taking in the views and more, in the beautiful Somerset protected landscape.

His antics were posted each day through Facebook and Instagram (@MendipHillsNL and @mendiphillsnl).

This year, after hearing about Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty being renamed as National Landscapes, to reflect and recognise their national significance, Merry decided to visit some of the other National Landscapes in the South West, to find out more about the work they do to conserve and enhance natural beauty.

Merry begins his tour in Tamar Valley National Landscape in early December, where he’ll take a stroll along the Wacker to Antony Trail beside the River Lynher, join in with a Christmas decoration workshop and find out more about Drakewalls Mine near Gunnislake.

He will then spend three days in North Devon Coast National Landscape, before heading to Cornwall National Landscape. Cranborne Chase National Landscape will then welcome Merry, taking him on their team Christmas walk and to a farm visit. Before heading back to the Mendip Hills, Merry will also explore South Devon National Landscape.

Keep a close eye on Cornwall and Tamar Valley National Landscapes’ social media channels each day throughout December, where they will share Merry’s adventures:

– Facebook – @cornwall.national.landscape, @tamarvalleynl

– Instagram – @cornwall_national_landscape, @tamarvalleynl

To find out more about National Landscapes, and the vital contribution they make to protect the nation from the threats of climate change, nature depletion and the wellbeing crisis, please click here. (external link)

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